Monday through Friday
Some dates unavailable due to events *Not available during the summer*
Never heard of Pickleball?
Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the United States.
It was created with one thing in mind…to have FUN!!!
Popular with all ages, it is played with 2 or 4 people on a court about 1/2 the size of a tennis court. Some people say it's like a hybrid of tennis and ping-pong. You play with a Pickleball paddle and a special type of whiffle ball.
• Palmer Residents - $20.00 per hour court time. ID necessary for resident rate.
• Non-Residents - $30.00 per hour court time.
• Cash, check, and credit card will be accepted. Payment must be made at the front desk before playing.
• Insurance will no longer be accepted.
Please click here to sign up to play Pickleball
Do you want to learn?
Clinics are available.
Summer Pickleball Lessons are Available at Mill Race Park
Beginner Classes – Wednesday Evenings
(includes: First Hour Instruction & Second Hour Instructional Game Play)
Summer Session 1: June 5th - June 26th (5:30-7:30pm)
Summer Session 2: July 10th - July 31st (6:00-8:00pm)
Summer Session 3: August 7th - August 28th (6:00-8:00pm)
Summer Session 4: September 4th - September 25th (5:30-7:30pm)
Intermediate Classes – Monday Mornings
Summer Session 1: June 3rd - June 24th (8:00-10:00am)
Summer Session 2: July 8th - July 29th (8:00-10:00am)
Summer Session 3: August 5th - August 26th (8:00-10:00am)
Summer Session 4: September 9th - September 30th (8:30-10:30am)
$80 (per 4 week session)
Register early, as we will only accept 8 participants.
Register in person at the front desk at the Community Center or call 610-252-2098.
Payment can be made prior to the start of the session or the first day of the session.